13 TIPS AND TRICKS to MEMORIZE FASTER (and Remember What You Learned)

These are the tricks you need to remember and recall what you’ve learned quickly. In this guide we will review 13 TIPS AND TRICKS to MEMORIZE FASTER and Remember What You Learned.

Every day we are busy with many activities, which means that our brains are constantly bombarded with information. Often, overworking causes a breakdown that makes us forget things quickly or have difficulty learning new things. In this guide, I’ll share some tricks you can use to keep your mind active and optimise your memory.




Yes, look for tips and tricks that will help you memorize faster and consolidate it into new and fresh learning. The secret to keep learning quickly is to keep learning as much as possible in different areas of knowledge. The brain is a muscle and the more you train it, the more it will perform.

Number 1. Review often.

Reviewing information is one of the most important techniques for successful memory retrieval because reviewing information encourages the brain to identify what is stored in it so that it can reflect on it at the right time.

The basic rule is to review what you have learnt, it is an exercise of the mind to consolidate the knowledge in it. However, it is not advisable to make a loop out of this exercise, as too much revision leads to discouragement and boredom.

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This means that if we overdo this technique, instead of achieving better memorisation, we will end up with anxiety caused by the desire to write down information, especially when it comes to large amounts of information.


Number 2. Outline and summaries.

It is important that we do not limit ourselves to reading. It is a good idea to make outlines and summaries of the lesson, because it is a mistake to try to learn everything in one go.

The memorisation process is gradual and involves recording, repetition and other techniques to speed up the process. Incorporating conceptual tools such as maps, diagrams and others is important for learning in a shorter time and is a dynamic way of learning.

It is useful not only in academic studies but also in everyday life when planning life goals and strategies to achieve them, and is a very useful resource for applying acquired knowledge, including anecdotes.

Number 3. Read and repeat aloud.

Try reading it aloud and repeating it. Vary your tone of voice, but start slowly. This will make your brain focus on what you are learning.

This is a very effective way of learning things that are hard to fix in the brain and are often forgotten after a few hours or days.

Number 4. Explain it to someone else.

One of the easiest ways to memorize quickly is to tell someone what you are trying to learn so that you can remember it successfully.

Telling others information is an effective way to make it easier for them to remember the information you have given them, because as they learn it, their brains start to write it down and retain it more easily.

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TIPS AND TRICKS to MEMORIZE FASTER  - Outline and Summaries
TIPS AND TRICKS to MEMORIZE FASTER – Outline and Summaries

Number 5. Use other forms.

This helps people to remember certain information or large amounts of data more easily and thus increases the speed of learning. Some people find it easier to retain visual information than verbal or vice versa.

There are also people who respond better to drawings and diagrams.

Number 6. Use metaphors.

A great strategy is to use metaphors when trying to learn something, as their use provides a great context in which events unfold in a vivid scenario.

Metaphors help you to make sense of what you are learning and give power and value to what you are trying to remember.

Number 7. Create a story.

This makes it easier to memorise quickly. It is by looking for connections between different concepts and creating a short story or even a sentence that reflects this connection.

A simple and effective way to get the right memorisation is to create a story about what you want to learn. For example, create a hypothetical scenario corresponding to the topic you have learned and uploaded earlier.

This will allow for excellent memorisation as well as generate a lot of interest in what you are learning.

TIPS AND TRICKS to MEMORIZE FASTER  - Read and repeat aloud
TIPS AND TRICKS to MEMORIZE FASTER – Read and repeat aloud

Number 8. Connect the new with the old.

At this stage it is important to link the old with the new.

This is effective and allows you to learn naturally, and is one of the easiest ways to get it right. It is the linking of new information with previous knowledge or experience.

It helps to understand the information and give it meaning.

Number 9: Find a nice place.

The environment in which we learn is important for good memorisation. It is important to be in a comfortable place that allows you to memorize correctly but, above all, not forget in a short time.

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We also need to take into account distractions that may interfere with the learning and memorising we want to do.

number 10. Associate with know places.

Many studies have found that we remember an event or information more easily if it is learned in a specific place, because in this way the brain focuses on certain scenes and creates a biased memory space.

Number 11. Connect what you learn with what you love.

This can be very effective if we connect what we are learning with something we are passionate about. This is an effective way of memorising and it can be very easy, as connecting positive emotions with what you have learned can be very satisfying.

Number 12 Eat Healthy.

To keep our minds active, we need exceptional rest, which allows us to restore the energy we need for the next day.

Food is a key factor not only for the health of the body but also for the health of the mind, because what we eat reflects the functioning of the organs and the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, which is important for good memorisation.

Number 13. Take Regular breaks.

A good diet combined with healthy exercise helps us to maintain energy and optimum mental functioning.

This does not mean, of course, that breaks are abused, but that they are taken at the right intervals to make the most of the time. Although it depends on the pace of work and not to interrupt a particular moment of concentration, the pace of work and the use of good concentration techniques will determine the success of our performance.

And here we will finish with tricks for faster learning and easier recall.

Other Resources

you can also try to do some exercises that can help you progressively improve your memorization capacities.

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